puppetry performance
others people shows that I’ve been a puppeteer in!

Book of Mountains and Seas (2021)
Directed by Basil Twist
Performed at The Royal Danish Opera House and St. Anns Warehouse

All Vows (2021)
Directed By Sam Gold
Morris Museum

Worshop for Dan Hurlin’s BISMARK at the Eugeine O’Neill Puppetry Conference (2019)

The Historical Range of Ursus Americanus (2019) The Lenfest Center for the Arts
Written by Emma McFarland
With music by Penelope Wendtlandt
Directed by Daniel Adams
Featuring Mehdi Abbas, Briana Archer, Ana Beliakova, Sunny Choi, Jeff Cima, Michaela Farrell, Adam Foldes, Andrea Garcia, Ali Goss, Heather Holmes, CJ Nolan, and Ayesha Saleh.