this is the website of ali goss: puppeteer and thomas j. watson fellow. ali is interested in transience, surveillance, disappointment and the uncanny.

Olie Goss (fka Ali) is a Phildelphia based multimedia artist and puppeteer.  Ollie’s work builds colorful and absurd worlds that lead viewers to question their current realities and inspire them to craft new ones. They aim to integrate art into people’s everyday life. For that reason, they often work in the public sphere and online in addition to traditional art and theatre spaces. Their lived expereince, undergrad reaseach and work in community organizing lead them to interrogate the intent behind societal systems, expose how they are inequitable but not inevitable, and propose fanciful alternatives.

In 2017-2018 they toured with Australia-based Snuff Puppets performing and wreaking havoc in Taiwan, the UK and Germany. Their work has been seen at The Tank, La Mama, Dixon Place, Coney Island Sideshows, Puppet Showplace Theatre, The Wassaic Project, The Object Movement Festival and in internet chatrooms. 

With Liz Oakley and Michaela Farrell they perform shows in parks across the boroughs as the Out of Work Puppeteers.

Ollie is currently an MFA candidate in Sculpture at Tyler School of Art.

IG: @olliegoss_

you can contact ali at alicgoss (at) gmail (dot) com
